Telecom ParisTech (TPT)

General description

The education system in France consists of the main public universities, as well as specialized schools known as Grandes´Ecoles that are most selective and prestigious. Telecom ParisTech is one of the France’s best Grandes ´Ecoles and a leading school specializing in communications engineering and information technology. French undergraduate students are admitted primarily through a highly selective national entrance exam (classes pr ´eparatoires) for which they intensively prepare 2–3 years after the high school.

Research and teaching at Telecom ParisTech include various aspects of the information technology, such as digital communication, signal processing and big data science. The activities of the Optical Fiber Communi-cations Group are in the areas of the information and communication theory, optical fiber transmission, optical networks, lasers, photonics components, fiber sensors and nonlinear optics. The school is currently situated in Paris and, together with a number of other Grandes ´Ecoles, will relocate to Palaiseau (a city about 15km south of Paris) in a new university in 2019.

Key research facilities, infrastructure and equipment

The infrastructure at Telecom ParisTech includes a lab for single-mode fiber-optic transmission with coherent detection. The experimental platform contains a 50GSamples/s real-time sampling oscilloscope, 12 and 64 GSamples/s arbitrary waveform generators, high resolution optical spectrum analyzer, optical filters, photonic components, and various test and measurement equipment. There is also a recirculation loop, including an 4x100km fiber span, which is used to investigate propagation effects.

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